How to Structure a Group Coaching Program | Why Create a Group Coaching Program

by | Jul 15, 2021

Audio Podcast

How to Structure a Group Coaching Program | Why Create a Group Coaching Program

by Dave Lorenzo

How to Structure a Group Coaching Program Why Create a Group Coaching Program

If you are a professional speaker, consultant or executive in transition, this video will help you develop a program to share your expertise with others.

If you are a coach and you work with people one-on-one, this video will open up a new world of possibilities. This will be a world where you can help exponentially more people and make more money.


00:00 – How to structure a group coaching program
00:20 – How to create a group coaching program
01:00 – Why people join a group coaching program
02:47 – The best benefit of group coaching (for the group members)
05:05 – How your group meetings become an idea incubator
07:58 – Recurring revenue stream for you
09:56 – Creates Leverage Experience
11:09​ – Free Gift from Dave that will help you sell group coaching the easy way
11:55The BIG Secret to help you sell group coaching (no coach will ever share this)

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