The Big Opportunity You Are Missing | Show 202

by | Nov 9, 2023 | Clients, Referrals

Audio Podcast

The Big Opportunity You Are Missing | Show 202

by Dave Lorenzo

On this episode of the Inside BS Show, Nicola Gelormino and Dave Lorenzo discuss the biggest opportunity that entrepreneurs often miss out on: getting in front of their ideal clients. They emphasize the importance of focusing on ideal clients rather than referral sources and provide three benefits of getting in front of ideal clients. 

The first benefit is understanding the problems that clients have and being able to solve them. 

The second benefit is being able to speak the language of the clients and convey the right messaging. 

The third benefit is the opportunity to do business with the clients and receive direct referrals. 

The hosts also discuss ways to get in front of ideal clients, such as joining trade associations, immersing oneself in the client’s world, hosting industry events, and using targeted advertising or marketing. They emphasize the importance of education and sharing expertise to establish oneself as an expert in the industry. 

Overall, the episode provides valuable insights and strategies for entrepreneurs to effectively reach their ideal clients.

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